Shoplifting in North Carolina: What if You Are Caught?
Okay, if you have to name some of the most frequent crimes in North Carolina, shoplifting would probably top the list. Do you have any idea that 10% of American citizens have said that they have shoplifted at least once in their lives, what’s shocking is for many, shoplifting is a weekly or even a daily habit. Yes, if you are arrested for shoplifting, a North Carolina bondsman can help you get out of jail before your trial, but do you know what should you do when you are caught for shoplifting? Well, here’s a brief! What is Shoplifting? Most people don’t realize that shoplifting can change their life and send them to jail. Some individuals shoplift for financial issues, whereas others do it because they enjoy the rush, but this small crime that doesn’t seem like a big deal can have a serious impact on the shoplifter’s life. Let’s be clear shoplifting doesn’t just mean pocketing candy or something tiny and walking out of the store without paying for it; it ...