Difference between Delivery and Departure Immigration Bonds in Texas
In the complex realm of immigration law in Texas, different legal procedures and processes are set in motion to ensure the smooth entry and exit of individuals in and out of a country. One such significant aspect of immigration law is an immigration bond, serving as a financial guarantee for accused immigrants until their immigration bond hearing . If you think all immigration bonds in Texas are the same, let us tell you, they are not. Immigration bonds are further categorized into delivery and departure bonds. Wondering what these are and what’s best for you? Read on to discover more! Delivery Immigration Bond: As a defendant, if you choose a delivery immigration bond, this means you want to fight the charges brought forth against you. Although the process can be lengthy, you can have your case heard by an immigration judge who can determine if you are permitted to remain in the country or if you will be removed involuntarily. With a delivery immigration bond, immigran...